Lehekülgi: 1 2 3 4 |
Registreerunud 28.03.06
Asukoht: Jõgeva/Härjanurme/Tartu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S4 BiT 232kW Oettinger + esivanema A6 C6 3,0TDI Q 171kW '07
postitati 08.01.09 12:38
Järgmine tuttav tahaks osta seda 98'
aasta S4'ja, Esside kohta oman infot piisavalt, aga äkki teab keegi konkreetse masina kohta midagi pajatada?
Registreerunud 21.03.03
Asukoht: Harjumaa
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: ´11a. A4 avant q. s-tronic 3.0TDI 176KW
postitati 08.01.09 13:11
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: MartinCS
Järgmine tuttav tahaks osta seda 98'
aasta S4'ja, Esside kohta oman infot piisavalt, aga äkki teab keegi konkreetse masina kohta midagi pajatada? |
Ajaloo õigsust esindusest ilmslet ei saa, kuna šveitsi müüdud masin. "Essi" spetsailist kaasa ja kohapeale, Tartus mõnda pädevasse
"remondiputkasse" lükata masina ja ülevaadata.
lapsepõlvest alates meeldinud 20VT R5
Registreerunud 15.01.09
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: B5 1.8tq STW, B5 S4
postitati 15.01.10 08:07
Sai mõni aeg tagasi uuritud s4 B5 varuosade hindasi.
Ning ehk on sellest kellelegi veel kasu.
Toode Nimi Laoseis Allh. % Mg. Hind Kogus MghxKog.
078109119H/AM HAMMASRIHM 6.00 0.00 820.00 1.00 820.00
SW30030030 PINGUTUSRULL 10.00 0.00 584.00 1.00 584.00
SW30030075 PINGUTUSRULL 6.00 0.00 773.00 1.00 773.00
SW32922356 PINGUTI 11.00 0.00 1195.00 1.00 1195.00
SW30150032 VEEPUMP 4.00 0.00 885.00 1.00 885.00
078121113F/D+ TERMOSTAAT 24.00 0.00 283.00 1.00 283.00
N 90136802/D TIHEND TERMOST. 129.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 6.00
6PK1853 LAMERIHM 1.00 0.00 333.00 1.00 333.00
078903133AB/D+ PINGUTI 3.00 0.00 856.00 1.00 856.00
4F0419811D ROOLIOTS 3.00 0.00 801.00 2.00 1602.00
SW32610006 U-RAUD (KONT VASAK) 10.00 0.00 330.00 1.00 330.00
SW32610005 U-RAUD (KONT PAREM) 13.00 0.00 330.00 1.00 330.00
4A0498625/D RATTALAAGER ESIMENE 30.00 0.00 448.00 2.00 896.00
SW30919932 ÕÕTSHOOB AL.ES. 18.00 0.00 1711.00 2.00 3422.00
SW32921196 ÕÕTSHOOB AL.TAG.VAS. 28.00 0.00 1251.00 1.00 1251.00
SW32921198 ÕÕTSHOOB AL.TAG.PAR. 38.00 0.00 1251.00 1.00 1251.00
SW32730020 ÕÕTSHOOB ÜL.ES.PAR 39.00 0.00 645.00 1.00 645.00
SW32730021 ÕÕTSHOOB ÜL.ES.VAS 40.00 0.00 645.00 1.00 645.00
SW32730022 ÕÕTSHOOB ÜL.TAG.PAR 47.00 0.00 654.00 1.00 654.00
SW32730023 ÕÕTSHOOB ÜL.TAG.VAS 49.00 0.00 655.00 1.00 655.00
4D0498099/I V.V.LIIGEND ES.VÄL 12.00 0.00 1365.00 2.00 2730.00
8A0498625/D RATTALAAGER TAG. 22.00 0.00 468.00 2.00 936.00
915730 STAB.VARRAS VAS. 2.00 0.00 314.00 1.00 314.00
915731 STAB.VARRAS PAR. 1.00 0.00 314.00 1.00 314.00
SW32790012 ÕÕTSHOOB 10.00 0.00 802.00 2.00 1604.00
MD15284/9 ÕLIFILTER 58.00 0.00 87.00 1.00 87.00
058133843/D+ ÕHUFILTER 21.00 0.00 207.00 1.00 207.00
441201511C KÜTUSEFILTER 7.00 0.00 243.00 1.00 243.00
8A0819439A/D+ SALONGI FILTER 64.00 0.00 153.00 1.00 153.00
8D1819030A/X+ SALONGI RADIAATOR 16.00 0.00 424.00 1.00 424.00
8E0615301AD/D PIDURIKETAS ESIM. 6.00 0.00 1300.00 2.00 2600.00
4B0698151S/D+ PIDURIKLOTSID PAGID 3.00 0.00 1475.00 1.00 1475.00
SW30916456 PIDURIKLOTSID SWAG 8.00 0.00 868.00 1.00 868.00
NK2047131 PIDURIKETAS TAG. 0.00 0.00 378.00 2.00 756.00
1H0698451D/D+ PIDURIKLOTSID PAGID 6.00 0.00 594.00 1.00 594.00
1H0698451D/E PIDURIKLOTSID TOPRAN 94.00 0.00 360.00 1.00 360.00
Registreerunud 23.07.07
Asukoht: Tartu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: Bmw 525i -2007, sedaan
postitati 15.01.10 08:23
Täiendaks ainult seda, et kui lasta teha teatavat sorti hooldus/remonttööd korraga, siis saab kasutada komplekte, millede hind on suurusjärk poole
Ehk esisilla jupid vahetada korraga, rihmavahetus teha korraga, pidurid vahetada korraga. Esisilla jupid näiteks: eraldi ostes: 14411, lemförder jupid
suurusjärk 7000-8000 kr.
Audi kohta aga niipalju, et nendega sõidavad maalt pärit inimesed, eriti Tartust ja sealt kandist pärit. Ma ei tea, mis fenomen see on, aga
põlistallinlased audisid ei osta.
Registreerunud 13.01.10
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: B6 1.8tq sline
Registreerunud 07.03.10
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S4
postitati 29.05.10 10:25
Tere kas keegi teab antud autost midagi? 2001 s4
Omaniku sõnul on ta auto ise toonud USA'st, turbod olevat kontrollitud ca. aasta tagasi ja uskuda või mitte ka läbisõit pidi õige olema.
Registreerunud 07.12.06
Asukoht: Helsinki
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: VW Touareg
postitati 29.05.10 10:38
Antud isendist midagi ei tea, aga turbode koha pealt nii palju, et aastaga võib palju muutuda, ennem kui ostad lase ikka täis kontroll ära teha.
Remont selle auto puhul võib osutuda päris kalliks. Hinda vaadates, teeks kaks järeldust:
a) kas on räme masu, või
b) auto vajab investeeringuid
2001 aasta masina kohta on ikka väga soodne hind, pole viimased kuud a4 turgu vaadanud, aga kahtlane kas A4'gi sellise hinnaga kätte saab
Ning 170 000 km läbisõitu 9 aastat vana auto kohta võib isegi enamvähem paikka pidada. Et selline 18-19 tuhat km aastas. Suht ok.
Registreerunud 31.05.08
Asukoht: Keila
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: Cupra Leon Sportstourer
postitati 29.05.10 10:45
Kapoti alust vaadates tundub et ei ole keegi seal ammu toimetanud.
Registreerunud 01.11.07
Asukoht: Tln/Röa/Laimjala/Viru-Nigula
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: 2x B5Q, B3, 2xC4 TDI, GMT 199
postitati 29.05.10 10:53
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: ttaarrmmoo
Tere kas keegi teab antud autost midagi? 2001 s4
Omaniku sõnul on ta auto ise toonud USA'st, turbod olevat kontrollitud ca. aasta tagasi ja uskuda või mitte ka läbisõit pidi õige olema.
Antud auto kuulus vahepeal Motorsist tuntud Väintsile ja sellest ka möni löik antud portaalis tehtud.
Nt: http://tv.motors24.ee/artiklid/TV/Minu+auto/10528-Minu+Auto+-+Audi+S4.aspx
Vorsprung durch Drehmoment !
Registreerunud 04.12.08
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S8 D4, A4 B9 2.0TQ, Cupra Born
postitati 29.05.10 12:01
Kuna antud auto on USA-st toodud (automaatkast), siis tasuks eriti ettevaatlik olla. USA-st naljalt ei tooda autosid, mis pole maha kantud.
Registreerunud 07.12.06
Asukoht: Helsinki
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: VW Touareg
postitati 29.05.10 12:06
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: prj
Kuna antud auto on USA-st toodud (automaatkast), siis tasuks eriti ettevaatlik olla. USA-st naljalt ei tooda autosid, mis pole maha kantud.
Isegi jäin korra mõtlema, et ei tea, kas mingi Katriina ohver
Registreerunud 07.03.10
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S4
postitati 18.06.10 08:46
On ehk kellegil kogemusi selle s4ga?
Registreerunud 01.10.02
Kasutaja on eemal
postitati 18.06.10 09:19
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: KalevK
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: prj
Kuna antud auto on USA-st toodud (automaatkast), siis tasuks eriti ettevaatlik olla. USA-st naljalt ei tooda autosid, mis pole maha kantud.
Isegi jäin korra mõtlema, et ei tea, kas mingi Katriina ohver
Inimene, kes elas USAs, lihtsalt tõi oma auto Eestisse kaasa.
Registreerunud 13.10.04
Asukoht: Rocca al Mare
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: 40 TFSI
postitati 18.06.10 09:31
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: ttaarrmmoo
On ehk kellegil kogemusi selle s4ga? |
Eks need üle 10-aastased ja 250k+ km biturbod ootavad kõik oma esimest kap.remonti ehk siis kasvõi väljalaskekollete, kattide või tubrote
(paaris)vahetust, mille jaoks tuleb mootor tavaliselt maha võtta. Olgu see Šveitsi mägiõhk kuitahes puhas
Lääne-Euroopa (töö)tunnihindadega ongi mõistlikum lihtsalt jäänuk itta müüa.
Kogemused kogemusteks, aga peaksid oma riskide maandamiseks ikkagi niipalju kui võimalik hooldusajalugu uurima, ja mitte ainult õlivahetusi. Mõni kõne
või email kuhugile kaugemale võib igati kasuks tulla.
Registreerunud 09.11.05
Asukoht: Home Haapsalu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: Ex S4, S6, A6, A4, Coupe + veel pool praami täit.
Registreerunud 26.09.02
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal
Registreerunud 03.04.10
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S4 B5 2.7T
postitati 23.10.10 07:08
Ostis selle s4 siit klubist keegi ära?
Registreerunud 09.11.05
Asukoht: Home Haapsalu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: Ex S4, S6, A6, A4, Coupe + veel pool praami täit.
postitati 25.10.10 17:32
Sai täna siis lõpuks see masin ära vaadatud.
Kokkuvõtteks mina oma raha peale nii tige pole, et seda masinat osta, kuigi hinda lasti alla veel küll.
Ja nagu praeguse omaniku jutust aru sain, siis ilmselt saab masina uueks omanikuks keegi kellel on juba praegu finants raskused ehk siis masina
seisukord halveneb veelgi.
Registreerunud 23.07.07
Asukoht: Tartu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: Bmw 525i -2007, sedaan
postitati 26.10.10 06:18
Ole hea ja kirjuta ka siia, mis sellel S4 siis nii viga on, et raha peale tige peaks olema?
Audi kohta aga niipalju, et nendega sõidavad maalt pärit inimesed, eriti Tartust ja sealt kandist pärit. Ma ei tea, mis fenomen see on, aga
põlistallinlased audisid ei osta.
Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal
postitati 20.11.10 16:31
250 HP @ 5,800 rpm
258 ft lb @ 1,850 rpm
Curb Weight:
1,680 kg / 3696 lbs
Dual turbo compressors
2671cc (2.7 litre) V6 engine
81 mm bore, 86.4 mm stroke
30 valves (5 per cylender)
9:3:1 compression ratio
double overhead cam
variable valve timing/camshaft
Premium unleaded fuel
Fuel economy EPA highway (l/100km): 9.8
Multi-point injection fuel system
Main 62 litre fuel tank
Quattro AWD system
Four disc brakes including four ventilated discs
Fullsize alloy rim internal spare wheel
Multi-link front suspension with stabilizer bar independent with coil springs
wishbone rear suspension with stabilizer bar independent with coil springs
Body side molding
Front and rear body color bumpers
Chrome/bright trim around side windows
Coefficient of drag: 0.31
Driver and passenger power heated body color door mirrors
External Dimensions:
overall length (mm): 4,483
overall width (mm): 1,849
overall height (mm): 1,417
wheelbase (mm): 2,606
front track (mm): 1,496
rear track (mm): 1,491 and curb to curb turning circle (mm): 11,400
Front fog lights (Canadian models did not receive fog lights)
Projector beam lens Xenon bulb headlights (Canadian models did not receive Xenon lights, halogen H7 bulbs instead)
Luxury trim leather on gearknob
Metallic paint , black paint , gloss paint , mica paint
Rear window
Tinted glass on cabin, rear and side
Windshield wipers with automatic intermittent wipe
Air conditioning with climate control
Diversity antenna
Anti-theft protection
Front and rear ashtray
Audio anti-theft protection:
Manufacturer's own audio system
Cargo capacity: all seats in place - 388 litres
Front seats cigar lighter
Digital Clock
Computer with average speed, average fuel consumption, instantaneous fuel consumption and range for remaining fuel
Dashboard full console with open storage box, floor full console with covered storage box
Delayed/fade courtesy lights
Cruise control
Front seats cup holders
Door ajar warning
Door pockets/bins for driver seat and passenger seat
External temperature
Driver and passenger front airbag
Bucket seat
3-point reel height adjustable front seat belts on driver seat and passenger seat with pre-tensioners
Front seat center armrest
Lockable glove compartment
Height adjustable two head restraints on front seats and rear seats
Headlight control
Illuminated entry system
Internal dimensions: front headroom (mm): 968, rear headroom (mm): 935, front leg room (mm): 1,049, rear leg room (mm): 848, front shoulder room (mm):
1,389, rear shoulder room (mm): 1,356 and interior volume (liters): 2,483
Low fuel level warning
Remote power locks includes trunk/hatch and includes power windows
Vehicle speed proportional power steering
Front and rear power windows with two one-touch
Front and rear reading lights
3-point reel rear seat belts on driver side with pre-tensioners , 3-point reel rear seat belts on passenger side with pre-tensioners , lap reel rear
seat belts on center side
Rear seat center armrest
Split bench asymmetrical three rear seats
Rear view mirror
Front seat back storage
Leather seat upholstery
Seating: five seats
Service interval indicator
Front side airbag
Eight speakers
Leather covered steering wheel
Driver and passenger illuminated vanity mirror
Ventilation system with recirculation setting and micro filter
This car raised a lot of eye brows upon its release and still resonates heavily within car enthusiast communities. B5S4’s stock a 2.7L bi-turbo motor
shoehorned under the hood with a low compression ratio of 9:3:1 outputting 250 HP. You should be quick to realize this to be a very modest factory
tune. And the tuning companies did exactly that, soon after the release, multiple companies began selling ECU software upgrades offering massive
power gains. Boost hungry individuals often replace the factory Borg Warner K03 turbos with larger K04 units from the RS4 or other Audi models. Of
course drivetrain, fueling, exhaust flow and other areas are factored into turbo upgrades. There are number of full kits available which offer power
output in the 450 HP/450 TQ range.
11 years after its initial release, tuning companies continue to develop new products for the B5S4.
Often modifying an area of a car necessitates the upgrading of other areas. Like many other cars, systematic upgrading of these cars has been
unofficially categorized into the following Stages:
Stage 1 (increase of ~ 50-60HP @ flywheel) - Chip
Originally tuning companies would receive the ECU from the cars owner and then solder a chip onto the ECU’s wafer. This chip contains the modified air
fuel mappings and timing specs which the ECU will operate with (bypassing the original code). Currently, all of the chip manufactures are now able to
‘flash’ the memory tables of the ECU with their modified code. This method is much less time consuming and less intrusive. Multiple tuning companies
offer solutions which allow the cars owner to switch between different modes. Which is nice if you want to revert back to original running specs.
Stage 2 (increase of ~ 5-15 HP@ flywheel) – Exhaust System
Catalytic converter – back exhaust system teamed with a chip gets you to Stage 2.
Stage 2.5 (increase of ~ 20-35HP @ flywheel) – Downpipes and High Flow Cat
Replace the original downpipes which span from turbos to catalytic converter and replace catalytic converter with a high flow variant.
Stage 3 ( ~450-450 total HP @ flywheel) – Turbo Upgrade
Typically replace K03 turbo chargers with Borg Warner K04 turbos, such as those used in the european RS4 wagon. Other turbo kits are available which
utilize Garrett and Tial turbo chargers. This stage usually requires more than just the turbos be upgraded. Often fueling, air intake and drivetrain
upgrades will need to be applied.
Other common modifications are:
* Adjustable Suspension
* Drivetrain Stabalizer Bar
* Larger Sway bars
* Boost Guage
* Methenol/water injection
Common Problems
K03 Turbo failure:
Pay attention to this one, the total cost of replacement is very high. These units have a reputation for failing prematurely. It’s hard to determine
if user abuse is the main contributor to the breakdown of the turbos. Proper oil warm up before and adequate oil cool down after hard usage will
certainly increase the life of these units and should be considered part of the ritual when enjoying your B5S4.
Throttle Body Boot Tearing:
Located at the top of the top/middle of the motor close to the front of the car, there is a rubber boot which directs the charged intake through to
the throttle body. This OEM rubber boot is very prone to tearing and its recommended that a silicon replacement be installed. This was such an issue,
that Audi revised the hose clamps to a smoothed inner edge version.
Bypass Valve/Diverter Valve Failure:
The originally equipped Bosch units have a rubber diaphragm design. They have been known to fail even under normal usage.
F-Hose Tearing:
The 2000 and early 2001 model S4’s incorporated an “F” shaped hose with the intake system. These rubber hoses are prone to cracking or tearing. There
are multiple aftermarket replacements available, silicon and metal.
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Failure:
The 2000 model S4 was shipped with problematic Bosch MAF units, these can easily be replaced with the Hitachi part from the 2001-2002
Production Figures
Manual - 10,550 (72%)
Auto - 4,184 (28%)
Total - 14,734
Manual - 947 (62%)
Auto - 592 (38%)
Total - 1,539
Model Year Changes
Several revisions were made to the Audi S4 in 2001, so many, that people often call the revised versions 2001.5’s.
* Larger oil inlet lines for turbos
* S4 badges were changed (front grill, steering wheel, gauges, trunk lid)
* ESP (traction control) became standard equipment
* Chrome mirror caps with Sport Package
* Extended factory warrenty (4year/50000 Miles instead of 3year/50000 Miles)
torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal
postitati 20.11.10 16:36
B5 S4
From Audizine Wiki
Name Audi S4 (B5)
Production 1997–2002
Predecessor Audi C4 S4
Successor B6 A4 Platform (2001-2005)
Body Style 4-DR Saloon/Sedan
5-DR Avant (Estate/Wagon)
Platform Volkswagen Group B5
Engine 2.7 L 30V V6 biturbo
Transmission 6-SP Manual
5-SP Automatic (Tiptronic)
Related B5 A4 Platform (1994-2001)
* 1 The S4 (B5 Platform)
o 1.1 Description
o 1.2 Statistics
o 1.3 Specs
o 1.4 Maintenance Intervals
o 1.5 Common Problems
* 2 "Stage" Descriptions
* 3 Modifications
o 3.1 Brakes
o 3.2 Chip Tuning
o 3.3 Exhaust
o 3.4 Exterior
o 3.5 Intercoolers
o 3.6 Interior
o 3.7 Suspension
o 3.8 Turbo Kits
o 3.9 Drivetrain & Transmission
o 3.10 Water/ Meth Injection
o 3.11 E85 Corn Power!
o 3.12 VAG COM (VCDS)
o 3.13 ECUx
o 3.14 Lemmiwinks
o 3.15 Other
[edit] The S4 (B5 Platform)
[edit] Description
The Audi S4 name was originally used for the high performance sport version of the Audi 100 car and has subsequently been used for similar versions of
the Audi A4 series. They are, or have been available as an Avant, Audi's name for an estate car, a saloon, and a Cabriolet (convertible) version.
Like most Audi S cars, the S4 is only available with Audi's quattro four-wheel drive (4WD) system, with the S4 using the Torsen-based permanent
full-time 4WD. The S4 has a larger more powerful engine, larger uprated brakes, and high-performance suspension systems which are not shared with the
remainder of the A4 range.
[edit] Statistics
A racing version of the car achieved great success in the SpeedVision World Challenge with Michael Galati taking the 2001 SpeedVision GT title in a
Champion Racing S4, winning four races, and helping Audi to its first Manufacturers' Championship. The Audi Sport specification Champion A4 chassis
included a B5 RS4 engine, and Alcon racing brake calipers - 4-pot fronts and 2-pot rears.
B5/S4 Avant: Audi Import Figures (U.S. Market) 1-07-10 Update
Had a great series of recent discussions / e-mails with Audi's "Product Support Engineering" office in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Very helpful and
"Super Hero" fast in providing the following "Official Audi Numbers" as well as clarification on some of the info currently posted on various Audi
B5/S4 Avants - US Market Only: (MY = Model Year. CY = Calender Year) - 1999MY: No '99MY Imported / Sold in the U.S.A. - 2000MY: No '00MY Imported /
Sold in the U.S.A. - 2001MY: 1,257 Total Imported / Sold in the U.S.A. (Automatics: 404 Units. 6-Spd Manuals: 853 Units.) - 2002MY: 283 Total Imported
/ Sold in the U.S.A. (Automatics: 188 Units. 6-Spd Manuals: 283 Units.) - 2003MY No '03MY B5/S4 Avants Sold.
Notes / Misc Points: - Total of 1,540 B5/S4 Avants were imported to / sold in the U.S.A. - Automatics: 592 Total Units. 6-Speed Manuals: 948 Total
Units. - Audi did sell some B5/S4 Avants in 2000CY, but they were early '01MY models. - Audi is not able to differentiate between 2001MY and 2001.5
MY S4 Avants in their U.S. Market Import / Sales records. (...[roppus]!!) - Audi did not produce a 2003MY B5/S4 Avant. However, there were a
few "left-over" 2002MY units sold in 2003CY.
Hopefully this refresh helps the "1,540 B5/S4 Avant Audi owners" out there.
Let me know if you have any questions.
All the best. "Silverarrow"
[edit] Specs
* Production: 1997 - 2002
* Body style(s): 4-door saloon/sedan, 5-door Avant (estate/wagon)
* Engine: 2.7 Liter 30 Valve V6 biturbo
* Transmission(s): 6-speed manual, 5-speed tiptronic
* Wheelbase: 2,615 mm (103.0 in)
* Length: 4,483 mm (176.5 in)
* Width (1997-99): 1,733 mm (68.2 in)
* Width (2000-02): 1,848 mm (72.8 in)
* Height (sedan): 1,396 mm (55.0 in)
* Height (Avant): 1,418 mm (55.8 in)
* Curb weight: 1,535 kg (3,384 lb) - 1,680 kg (3,704 lb)
* Fuel capacity: 62 L (13.6 imp gal; 16.4 US gal)
BUILD DATE: The "Silver" retangular sticker on the driver-side B-Pillar shows MFR Date.
PRODUCTION NUMBERS Production build date "milestones". Likley already seen by many of you:
09/99 (Y2000 initial production, A-box ECU for manual, f-hose, possibly aluminium uprights on suspension, original badge)
06/00 (Y2001, H-box ECU for manual, ESP controller, possibly steel uprights)
10/00 (Y2001.5, M-box ECU for manual, revised turbos, no f-hose, revised TBB, different oil inlet lines, possibly changed shifter stalk, polished
aluminum mirrors w/ sport package, new badge, Avant model)
06/01 (Y2002, T-box ECU for manual.)
[edit] Maintenance Intervals
Service at 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months after delivery
* Engine: Change oil
* Oil Filter: Replace
* Service reminder indicator display: Reset
* Wheels: Rotate front to rear
* Fluid Levels: Check coolant and windshield washer fluid levels; add if necessary
* Automatic shift lock: Check operation including neutral safety switch (where applicable)
* Brake system: Check thickness of pads
* Manual transmission: Check gearshift mechanism and clutch for proper interlock operation
Service at 10,000 miles (16,000 km) and then at every 10,000 miles (16,000 km) thereafter
* Engine: Change oil
* Oil Filter: Replace
* Cooling system: Check coolant level, add if necessary
* Exhaust system: Check for damage and leaks
* Engine: On Board Diagnostic: check Diagnostic Trouble Code memory and purge if necessary (where applicable)
* Doors: Lubricate door hinge mechanism
* Battery: Check electrolyte level and add if necessary
* Windshield wiper and washer: Check fluid level, add if necessary
* Automatic shift lock: Check operation including park/neutral safety switch (where applicable)
* Manual transmission: Check gearshift mechanism and clutch for proper interlock operation
* Tires and spare wheel: Check condition and pressure
* Brake system: Check for damage and leaks, thickness of pads and brake fluid level
* Drive shafts: Check boots
* Road test: Check braking, kick-down, steering, electrical, heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning and power accessories
* Service reminder indicator display: Reset
* Lights: Check
Additional Service intervals
At every 20,000 miles (32,000 km)
* Front axle: Check dust seals on ball joints and tie rod ends, check tie rods
* Haldex clutch: Change oil and filter
* Automatic transmission: Check for leaks
* Manual transmission: Check for leaks
* Transmission final drive: Check oil level and add if necessary
* Dust and pollen filter: Replace
* Head lights: Adjust
At every 40,000 miles (64,000 km)
* Air cleaner: Replace filter element
* Spark plugs: Replace
At every 80,000 miles (120,000 km)
* Ribbed belt: Replace
* V-belt: Replace
At every 105,000 miles (160,000 km)
* Timing belt: Replace (V6 5-valve and V8 engines only)
* Timing belt tensioner roller: Replace (V6 5-valve engine only)
Every 2 years regardless of miles (kilometers)
* Brake fluid: Replace
[edit] Common Problems
* K03 turbos fail - Often replaced with K04 turbos from the B5 RS4. K04 turbos also fail
* Control Arms - Common to the B5 platform.
* Wheel bearings - Common to the B5 platform.
* Dash cluster display LED develops lines - Rebuild kit available.
* Throttle body boot (TBB) leaks - Often replaced with an aftermarket boot.
* Diverter Valves - Often replaced with 710N valves.
* Coolant after run pump fails and leaks - Shine a flashlight under the intake manifold and look for dried pink G12 residue.
* Valve cover and cam tensioner gaskets leak.
* Central lock Pump
* ABS Module
* Seats wobble
* Rearview mirror leaks
* N75 valve
* Window Regulators
* Internal spring in interior door handle fails
* Accessory belt tensioner noise
* Power steering Pump
* Spider hose
* F hose
* Boost Leaks
* Bosch MAF Failure
* Rear calipers seize/stick
* Coil Packs
* Ignition Control Amplifiers
* PCV Valve
* Bose speakers
* EGT Sensors
* o2 sensors
* Climate control fan buzzes
* SAC mechanism on stock and RS4 Clutch Pressure Plates
* Clutch Slave Cylinder
* 1-2 shift collar and bad synchros
* shity borg Warner journal bearing turbos-k03/k04
[edit] "Stage" Descriptions
Stage I
* Chip
Stage II
* Chip
* Catback
Stage II+
* Chip
* Catback
* Downpipes
Stage III-
* Chip
* Catback
* Downpipes
* RS4 K04 Turbos
Stage III
* Fueling
* Catback
* Downpipes
* RS4 K04 Turbos
Stage IV
+ Built motor
+ etc.
[edit] Modifications
[edit] Brakes
* Alcon
* Brembo
* Stoptech
* ECS/Porsche
* D2 S8 Brembo
* B6/7 S4
* B7 RS4/C5 RS6
* 034 Rear Brake Upgrade
* JHM 2-Piece Rotors
[edit] Chip Tuning
* ASP (custom tune)
* Eurodyne
* EPL (custom tune)
* Vast (custom tune)
* SSP (custom tune)
* JHM (custom tune)
* Avalon Motorsports (custom tune)
* Unitronic tuning
* Sportech
[edit] Exhaust
* AutoSpeed Performance (ASP) Tru-Dual
* AWE Tuning Twin 1
* AWE Tuning Twin 2
* Borla
* JHMotorsports True Dual
* Milltek SuperDual
* Milltek 3-inch catback
* Neuspeed
* SSAutoChrome
* Vibrant
* 034 Motorsport
* AutoSpeed Performance (ASP)
* AWE Tuning
* Fast Intentions/Labree Split
* JHMotorsports
* Milltek
* SSAutoChrome
* VAST Performance "Piggie"
[edit] Exterior
Front Bumpers
* AvantGarde
* Caractere
* OEM S4 RS4 Mod
* Rieger
* Seidl
* Oettinger
Full Kits
* OEM RS4 Widebody
* Rieger V1
* Rieger V2
* Seidl RS4 Widebody
* Fiber Images Carbon (Vented)
* Fiber Images Carbon (OEM)
* Vorsteiner
* VIS Racing
* Eurogear
== Fueling ==
* Vast
* Dahlbak
* 10SecS4
[edit] Intercoolers
* 034 SMIC
* Racetec FMIC
[edit] Interior
* APR Vent
* AWE Vent
* Podi Steering Column Mount
* Stewart warner
* EFU 4U info center display
Shift Knobs
* UUC Rob Knob
[edit] Suspension
* Bilstein
* H&R
* Koni
* KW
* Startup Racing/Vogtland GT
* Stasis
* Tein
* Vogtland
* H&R
* Tein
* Vogtland
* Eibach
Sway Bar Kits
* H&R
* Hotchkis
* Neuspeed
[edit] Turbo Kits
* AWE RSK04 Kit
* APR Stage III Kit
* ASP GT28RS Kit
* Tial 650 Kit
* Tial 605 Kit
* Tial 770 Kit
* ATP GT28RS Kit
* ATP GT25R Kit
* ATP GT2871R Kit
* Agtronic Motorsports
[edit] Drivetrain & Transmission
Short Throw Shifters
* JHM "Solid" Short Throw Shifter
* JHMotorsports
[edit] Water/ Meth Injection
* Aquamist
* Vast/Devil's Own
Cooling Mist
Places to buy methanol:
Online: High Performance Fuels and Additives
PowerMist Distibution Points
World Map
Name of business address city, state, zip phone wed address if applicable pricing/date/special notes
Bessemer Petroleum Bessemer,AL 205-424-2970 $96 for a 55 gallon drum delivered to your door
Hole Shot Engineering 6584 50th Ave N St. Petersburg, Fl 727-546-3541 3.00 gallon 10/04
Bradenton Motorsport Park 21000 S.R. 64 Bradenton FL, 34202 941-748-1320 http://www.bradentonmotorsports.com 2.50 gallon 4/04
Corrigan Oil Company 744 East South Street Jackson, MI 49203 517-937-4061 Salesman Steve Cell # Minimum 55 Gal $88 quoted price to my driveway.
NVR Racing 5161 N 124th St Butler, WI 53007 (262) 781-5252 2.50/gal. 04/04. Minimum 5 gallons ($12.50). Sprint Car racing Methanol
Update for Houston Raceway Park 2525 FM 565 South Baytown , Texas
$3.00 a gal compared to $ 5.00 a gal 3 months ago guess someone made some extra pocket money 9/23/04
NEW ENGLAND RACING FUEL John Holland / Mike Joy 271 Spielman Highway Burlington, CT 06013 860-673-9555 $28 for a 5 gallon bucket. It's the Sunoco
race stuff so It should be good quality.
VP Racing PO Box 3202 Terre Haute, IN 47803 They are just getting ready to move and I don't know the new address, call at 812-232-7253
Briner Oil Co. 325 Beck St. Jonesville, Michigan, 49250 517-849-2144 fax.517-849-2143 800-451-4191 contact, anyone 2.68 gal.
Capital Raceway in Crofton $3.00 a gallon
Socal Performance 9723 washburn road downey, CA 90241 562862-9122 $2.05 a gallon (methanol)
Cox Oil CO. 555 E 8th St. Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 352-9208 (800) 660-2604 $15 for a 5 gallon bucket
AAI racing 5985 Lamar, Arvada, CO 80003 303-422-3571 $2.50 a gallon
Teegarden Motorsports Specialties 11383 Pyrites Way Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916 - 638 - 7223 (RACE) Fax: 916 - 638 - 2885 Methanol $3.00/ga???
Maryland International Raceway "MIR" (Bud's Creek)
E&R automotive machine 205 W. north ave. Villa Park, IL 630 279 5464 www.enrracing.com Torco methanol 5 gallon bucket for $26.98
Craig Caulk Racing Heads 115 Avenue D South Houston, TX 77587 (713) 947-6787
Lanier's Speed Shop 106 Pueblo Av COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 - 2118 (719) 633-1378 $2.75 a gallon.
Centerville Dragway Track is 11 miles south of Russellville, Arkansas. Take Highway 7 south to Centerville, then go west on Highway 154 for 1 mile.
Quote of $2.50 per gallon.
Simons Petroleum Industrial Road Clarksville, Arkansas Take 58 exit off I-40, go north 1 block to Industrial Road turn right just past Johnson
Chevrolet Dealership. Just got a quote of $2.00 per gallon for Methanol, less if bought by the 55 gal barrel.
McMurtrys Automotive 3204 B. Ave. Gulfport, MS. 39507 PH# 228-863-4139 Theres also a place in Long Beach, MS. Someone said they buy 55 gal drums of
methanol for $99!!!
Dons Hot Rod Shop 2811 N. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85705 602-884-8892 $3.40 a gallon
Smiley's Racing 2017 Peachtree Rd. Balch Springs, TX 75180 Dallas, TX I just called and I was told $2.50 per gallon for methanol. I will go up there
later this week to buy some.
grand prix auto sports methanol is 2.15 a gallon tulsa oklahoma phone# 1 918 836 8487
Fairfield CT Grasmere Sunoco 3.50 a gallon for Methanol
ERC racing fuel 610 east lewelling blvd san lorenzo, ca 94580 (510) 276-9334 $2.75 gallon
Conley's Performance Plus 1443-A Aldine Bender Houston, TX 77032 Methanol $3.00 / Gallon
American Motorsports 4130 north orange blossom trail 407-290-6565 3.39 a gallon
Bowers Performance Racing Engines 117 Smokey Street Fort Collins CO 80525 (970) 226-6040 Price $2.50gal as of 11/12/04
Most of the list compiled from TurboBuick
[edit] E85 Corn Power!
[edit] VAG COM (VCDS)
* Rosstech
o General FAQ
o Purchase
[edit] ECUx
[edit] Lemmiwinks
* Lemmiwinks Guide
[edit] Other
* FATS Database
torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal
postitati 29.01.11 08:43
torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Registreerunud 23.11.06
Asukoht: põltsamaa/tartu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: A4 1,8 TQ
Registreerunud 04.12.08
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: S8 D4, A4 B9 2.0TQ, Cupra Born
postitati 17.05.12 11:37
Ei soovita, sellel teemal on varem ka räägitud.
Võta isend, millel turbod vahetatud. See 200 000 kellal Šveitsist on tüüpiline lõpmatu rahaauk.
Registreerunud 23.11.06
Asukoht: põltsamaa/tartu
Kasutaja on eemal
Auto: A4 1,8 TQ
postitati 17.05.12 11:41
Tsitaat: | Algselt postitas: prj
Ei soovita, sellel teemal on varem ka räägitud.
Võta isend, millel turbod vahetatud. See 200 000 kellal Šveitsist on tüüpiline lõpmatu rahaauk. |
Ok, tänud vastamast!
Sound of R5
Lehekülgi: 1 2 3 4 |