Käimapaneku korrad sõltuvad sellest, millal uut vedeliku välja tulema hakkab.
Olen lugenud, et mõni on lausa paar liitrit uut vedeliku läbi lasknud, kui vana vedelik väga must ja pole ammu vahetatud.
Seal lingil lõpus selline asi toodud:
Esirattad tuleks õhku tõsta ja rooli ei tohiks keerata jah. Alles siis kui uus vedelik sees ja tase normis. Ja siis ka esirattad õhus ja mittetöötava
Roolivõimu pump ei tohi õhku saada.
Tsitaat: | Power steering system, bleeding Different bleeding procedures are required after repairs to the steering system, depending on
which components have been removed or replaced. After replacement of the entire steering system or steering gear: - Check hydraulic fluid
level and top off if necessary. -Raise vehicle until front wheels are free. - Start engine briefly (max. 2 seconds) -Pump must not draw in
any air; steering wheel must not be turned. - Wait approx. 30 seconds each time before starting engine again. -Check hydraulic fluid level and
top off if necessary. -Keep repeating this procedure until fluid level remains constant. -With engine switched off, turn steering wheel 10 times
from lock to lock. -Check hydraulic fluid level and top off if necessary. -Start engine. Turn steering wheel 10 times from lock to lock.
-Check hydraulic fluid level and top off if necessary. -Any air remaining in the steering system will dissipate when the vehicle has been driven 10
to 20 km.
Esirattad tuleb