Ehk kiirustasin liialt, aga väljamaa foorumist/foorumitest leitud selline tekst (vabandan kirjavigade pärast):
your power steering pump is run off of your engine. i would expect when you reverse eventually you turn the wheel to performa k turn of sorts, so
when you wrench the wheel over it [roppus] a big strain on thesteering pump, which then requests more power from the engin, and if you are at
idle, it could stall you out under the right circumstances.
nothing is wrong when that happens, just a case of the driver operated faster than the engine could keep up.
Ehk on hoopis see "viga"? Mõlemal korral, kui välja suri, olid rattad peaaegu maksimumini väljakeeratud ning tagurdamist alustades gaasi ei andnud.