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Pealkiri: A8 d3 veakoodid (Vastuseid: 5 | Vaatamisi: 3458)

Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal

postitati 31.01.09 20:40 Tsiteeri
A8 d3 veakoodid

Teab keegi mõnda kohta netis, kus uuema A8 veakoodide võimalikud lahendused kirjas oleksid?



torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada kasutajale U2U
ac aasta auto 2008 võitja


Registreerunud 15.04.03
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal

Auto: Some quattro GmbH Cars

postitati 18.02.09 15:28 Tsiteeri

Sealt leitavad veakoodid ja ka kodeerimiseks juhiseid

Parem must minevik kui lilla tulevik
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Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal

postitati 18.02.09 18:29 Tsiteeri
Audi A8 (4E) Battery Replacement

See on huvitav asi, et uue aku panekul tuleb see kodeerida.

This procedure details how to replace a battery in a vehicle using a separate battery management control module. See the separate instructions for models where the battery management control module is a slave/subsystem of the gateway.

The following procedure does assume you are using a battery supplied by VW/Audi, all necessary details for the following steps can found on the battery itself. Make sure to refer to the factory repair manual in order to fulfill all additional prerequisites.

[61 - Battery Regulation]
[Coding - 07]
[Battery Coding Assistant]

* Enter the new Battery Part Number (10 or 11 digits).
* Enter the new Battery Serial Number (10 digits).
* Select the new Battery Vendor.

[Do it!]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Your new Battery should now be coded and the Battery Control Module should be aware of the new Battery.


Ramon, kus need veakoodid seal on?

torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada kasutajale U2U
ac aasta auto 2008 võitja


Registreerunud 15.04.03
Asukoht: Tallinn
Kasutaja on eemal

Auto: Some quattro GmbH Cars

postitati 18.02.09 19:52 Tsiteeri

Vasakul pool tulbas on Fault Codes.
Lisan ka lingi :

Muide, seal on infot alates A1st kuni R8-ni välja

Parem must minevik kui lilla tulevik
Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada kasutajale e-mail Saada kasutajale U2U Vaata kasutaja MSN Messengeri aadressi Kasutaja Telefoninumber

Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal

postitati 02.07.09 20:43 Tsiteeri

Esmajärjekorras tegelen selliste veakoodidega:

19591 - Intake Manifold Runner Control: Lower Stop not Reached
P3135 - 000 - -
Freeze Frame:
RPM: 651 /min
Torque: 97.5 Nm
Speed: 0.0 km/h
Duty Cycle: 88.3 %
Duty Cycle: 20.7 %
Duty Cycle: 0.4 %
Temperature: 32.4°C

18308 - Coolant Fan Control 2: Open or Short to Ground
P1900 - 000 - -
Freeze Frame:
RPM: 651 /min
Torque: 97.5 Nm
Speed: 0.0 km/h
Duty Cycle: 9.8 %
Duty Cycle: 9.8 %
Duty Cycle: 9.8 %
Temperature: 32.4°C

Eks asume neti avarustesse. Samas, kui kellelgi on nendega kokkupuuteid olnud, siis igasugune abi on teretulnud.:) Igatahes ventikas hakkab kohe peale käivitamist karjuma nagu ratta peal. Autoks on 4.0tdi.

18080 coolant fan control 1 : open or short to ground p1672 -004-

No signal comunication intermittent
The left fan won't turn off the air con fan works and functions fine.

sounds like you may have the same on your S4. It's a small module up near the fan (on the A4). I'm not sure on price, since it was covered by warranty, but I'd guess $150-200 when it's all done.

torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada kasutajale U2U

Registreerunud 28.01.03
Asukoht: Eesti Vabariik
Kasutaja on eemal

postitati 13.10.09 21:54 Tsiteeri
Klotside vahetamine

Sellel autol ei saa piduriklotse ka niisama vahetada.:)

Channel 006: Pad Thickness
Enter the measured thickness of the new pads (excl. back panel), round down to the next lowest integer.

Range: 3 - 14 mm

Basic Setting
Open Rear Parking Brake for Pad Change

Connect a battery charger.
Cycle the Parking Brake ON, then OFF first.
[53 - Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 005
Activate the Basic Setting.
The brake pads are now opening.
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Note: Check/Change Adaptation Channel 006 (Pad Thickness) after changing the pads.

Open Rear Parking Brake for Repairs

Connect a battery charger.
Cycle the Parking Brake ON, then OFF first.
[53 - Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 007
Activate the Basic Setting.
The brake pads are now opening.
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Close Rear Parking Brake

Connect a battery charger.
[53 - Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 006
Activate the Basic Setting.
The brake pads are now closing.
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Function Test

Cycle the Parking Brake ON, then OFF first.
[53 - Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 010
Activate the Basic Setting.
The brake pads are now opening and closing 3 times.
Wait 30 seconds after the the brakes stop making noise.
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor (G251)

System voltage at least 12.0 V.
Car parked on a level surface.
Do NOT move/rock car while performing basic setting.
[53 - Parking Brake]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 020
Activate the Basic Setting.
The status of the Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor (G251) is now beeing displayed.
[Done, Go Back]

P. S. If you push pistons back by hand (without open electric part by vag-com) you broke servo mechanism of parking brake !

torque addict / in the real world four wheel drive means safety and traction
Vaata kasutaja profiili Saada kasutajale U2U
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